Can you imagine the awful things Joe did to his siblings? Ant couldn’t look more effeminate.

11  2019-08-01 by ZombieRoeCumia

  • JoeH

  • AntH

Anthony is in the middle, as usual.

No, usually he's on the bottom.

Dawn looks Indian, and Joe's all hunched over like Lurch Addams.

Makes me wonder what kind of awful cosmetic skin-whitening procedure Ant's paid for.

So so so so so you raaaaaang?

they just got evicted

God Ant was a pathetic looking wee fucker. Still is, too.

Who are these Puerto Ricans?


Who are these middle eastern refugees?

Look at the distance he's keeping... like he knows what joe did to his sister and he doesn't want it to happen to him. I know these things I've studied body language.

i'm kinda liking Joe becoming the villain in this story. Given his tendency to be retarded and obstinate, it will be hilarious.

Joe Cumia jr molested those two little kids before and after this photo was taken.
He really is a sick disgusting fat fuck.

Joe looks like a mini Sollozo "the Turk" from GF1.

They would literally have been directed towards the "Coloreds" section of the diner if they'd strayed down South back then.

That’s the Mestizo kiss from down the street.

Joe probably bragged about being 4'1 back then.