Colin Quinn tweeting about the Worm’s new movie role.

118  2019-08-01 by inheritted_allele


I swear it’s going to come out one day that CQ actually doesn’t like him

I think it's pretty obvious.

I really, really hope Scorsese cuts Jan's scene. I mean it's not like he'll ever know he was cut since he doesn't watch, read, or listen to anything ever despite being the host of a national radio show that frequently discusses current pop culture.

I’ve got this little fantasy where Jim finally reconnects with his family and they all meet together at his parent’s house for the first time in years to watch the movie on Netflix. The first thing he’s done in years he could actually watch with his parents, it’s meant to be the first step in the road to rebuilding their mangled relationship.

The movie drags on and on, and when the scene Jim’s supposed to be in rolls around, he’s nowhere to be found. His parents and the rest of the family nervously shuffle around until his father lets out a jaded mocking little laugh. The same response he’s had to Jim’s entire humiliating career.

His own son willing to shame his entire family for a half assed, low level career in comedy. No dignity or respect for anyone or anything. Just piss, shit, and perversion with no consideration for anyone but himself. Jim’s parents see this as just a small victory but a very very satisfying one.

I think his family disowned him didnt he molest his niece? Or he cant be around her? I mean for a guy who enjoys sucking dick and puting cat shit in his doms dads newspaper I wouldnt want him in or around my family.

I think his family disowned him didnt he molest his niece?

No, I think you are making this up.

No, it's true.

Source: i am the niece and I'm here to tell my story.

so brave.

Thank you.

It's not easy living knowing that you had a worm inside you.

my dog has medicine for that

Just CGI the actual Rickles in, with an impersonator to do the voice.

I mean, Jimmy can't act or sound like Rickles, so why use him.

The main reason Rickles got away with what he did was because there was a warmth and charisma under there, two things Jan is incapable of faking in everyday life and certainly doesn’t have the acting chops to portray onscreen.

I am a Scorsese fan and a Bob D fan from most his old stuff but I will not watch this movie to give it the 1 view I would have, only because Jan Nort is in it. Fuck you Scorsese for giving that prune hack any screen time.
Does Scorsese have a twitter? I want to post the worms little picture he has up with his pants off and a hat with a wig. I just feel all the stars of that movie wont even know who he is. Has he posted celebrity pics with them yet?

it will be interesting to see what Scorsese gets out of Jim. I can't stop thinking about Jim getting stabbed on that show. that was his best effort and it wasn' good.

I love Colin so much

Colin Quinn is a national treasure

"I listen to the show on Reddit." --Colin Quinn on the O&J show

Fawkin friend of da sub.

hahahaha, fuck jan norton

Nobody respects this little runt no-talent.

Maybe we can get our glory back and I dont know thinking maybe start a #NorapistNorton or anything like that and put up a video of all his henious acts to get him cut out the movie? This is the biggest fame he will ever have and I think it will be a win for the sub if we can get him out and expose his worm has turned doc.

How does Colin have any love for a queer that used him until he couldn’t any more at the same time as stealing his whole schtick?

Scorsese gave him the role ironically so that he could showcase how much Norton sucks

hopefully he tries to rewrite the script like Collin did on Crocodile Dundee 2 and gets shunned by Hollywood
