Joe Is Only On Here To Fuck With You Retards Before Bed While Enjoying His Family Vacation

21  2019-08-01 by LegalQTA

Which is why, as of 1pm EST, he's posted 1 day ago and 21hrs ago and 18hrs ago and 12hrs ago and 11hrs ago and 6hrs ago and 5hrs ago. You're due for some more ramblings, Joey.

He's not slightly obsessed and angry over all the shit you point out about his oafish behavior.


He’s got to be vigilant after we proved that he frequently hosted convicted pedophile Jeffrey Hollander in his home. He knows that could spark a tsunami of victims and witnesses coming forward. It’s just a matter of time before his baby brother is hauled off to jail again, this time for good, and selfish Joe is petrified of earning a living.

I’m sure the bovine also watches CNN and gets nervous about the Epstein saga...hits close to home, doesn’t it u/DOXXER100 ? The enablers always go down with the pervert, and you’re the biggest, fattest enabler of Nana “As low as nine” Cumia. 🐮

And he never actually combats the pedo accusations directly, whenever someone posts real evidence he just replies with gay emojis or literally types ”hahahahaha”

For whatever reasons the Cumias seem to think just laughing is the sickest burn ever

He doesn't watch fake news, libtard

I doubt he would know the difference, he just likes the pretty colors

You could feed the world with my garbage dump

Oh garbage dump 🎵

He watches what he's told to.

I find it hilarious that this is what he thinks about while he rides the tea cups with his shitty “family”

You think he's brave enough for the teacups?

Clearly you are not joe’s dentist

I like how you capitalized each word in true Samcro retard fashion.

Anthony Cumia is the poor man's Jeffrey Epstein.