How are we going to deal with the inevitable subpoenas we have coming our way, gang?

3  2019-08-01 by suirogerg


Well I used to not let friends and family come over because I was certain they would serve me papers, so that's the route I'm going. I'm due for a good psychotic episode anyways.

You gained a new follower.

Knock it off you got me looking behind my ba k

That makes 2 of us.

I don’t exist. I’m in your head. Play with your cunt until you orgasm. My name is Kevin bacon.

I just make doodles and put Jimmy into historical events. The judge will find as nothing but a rambunctious autist with an odd sense of humor.

If you get sentenced to the chain gang landscaping trump's golf courses I'll toss you a pack of smokes

“Defendant please rise. So, I checked out what youve been posting and i must say...the jury has come to a very quick conclusion to your case. By the power invested in me by the United States, i hereby declare Joe Cumia legally retarded and would like his brother “Anth” detained and sent to Guantanamo Bay. Hes clearly a pedophile. Keep up the good work, Mr Artie. Your art is exemplary. The Supreme Court really likes the direction of the sub. TYFYS.”


What’s the going prison rate for writing nigger faggot on the inter webs ?

I want it to happen, I follow Joeh in my real name, he can feel free to try what he wants, I'm not hard to find.

I have M on retainer

Anyone of us could represent ourselves in court and talk circles around Joe. I’m not worried.

They got my gigs cancelled. I am not a pedophile.

Thanks for the downvote, Joe!

I just want to watch the judge's face when I'm accused of calling Joe "a dunce, a buffoon, a floppy-uddered ninny...".

Joe sitting there trying to look pious and wounded in his Chinese-made Airborne shirt...