Joe Cumia stays up until 4 in the morning every night desperately trying to convince random strangers who are taking a shit that he didn’t film a pedophile in his house years ago.

43  2019-08-01 by Sicogon

He also spends an inordinate amount of time sending legal takedown requests of video clips of him acting like a buffoon, citing that said videos of him being a buffoon are his own privileged copyrighted material.

No effect on his life, right?


Remember that time that juggernaut Joe (careful he's 6' 1") immediately posted on this sub when the dumb forum was disbanded? He was "taking a break" from Reddit when it happened. I guess he doesn't stalk this sub--pure coincidence.

Hey Joe, after work last night I went out for drinks with my brother and my father. My mom was watching my goddaughter. You know what I wasn't thinking about every five seconds? What people thought about me on the internet, you fucking boob.

Joe knows more about this sub than I do, and I check it a good 20 times a day while on boring ass calls, eating, pooping, waiting for my fffawkin egg whites, etc.