This fuckin pissworm stole a joke then unfollowed the person he stole from and blocked me when I called him out

189  2019-07-31 by KarlosMarkas


His version EVOLVED

Just adding to the bit.

Subtracting from...

cut it in half...then double it!

Exactly. Crank Yankers Niles Standish originated this bit.

Damn that show was funny

And will be hopefully, heard it's coming back

Whaaa!? Jims actually a fraud!!?

We don't want to believe that we've been so wrong about a person.

That line still pisses me off. You know he sat up all night thinking of it too.

Nah, he copied it from somewhere. That and his "commonality of language" bit.

Yep. He really is a slimey li''le worm.

edged all night...

Jim Norton is a modern day "the Fat Jew"

He is jew though, right ?

It's why he can't watch other comics' specials.

I can’t believe I actually believed him when he used to say that.

If I had any kind of reasoning skills back then, I’d have taken the fact that his entire personality is ripped off of Colin Quinn to deduce that he’s a filthy lying sodomite.

He needs to pay for this. I want to hear his wormy panicky voice when he defends his lies.

Yeah man I only saw about 80% of your tweet but it was a bad copy & I couldn't see it that well. Believe me, I'd tell you if I saw it.

I wish I was gay...

I hope you rape him on the day he forgets to take his PrEP.

Pathetic if true.

Above all else... real

He retold it in a silly voice so it doesn’t count as theft.

the Robin Williams defence

You couldn’t see the Groucho glasses he was wearing when he typed it.

I would say this place needs to focus more on Jim but it really isn't necessary.

His life is one of pure misery without any of our involvement.

His own body tries to kill itself every single night. That's why he wears that stupid breathing mask.

It doesn't mean we shouldn't pile on.

Yea but we still should add more it is deserved.

He will never be needed or loved by anyone and he knows it. Imagine that.

we heard you

The other one got automodded because I upload photo to reddit

I ain't reading all that shit.


Worm steals joke cartoon artist tweeted a month ago.

I see Worm follows cartoon artist.

I call Worm out.

Worm unfollows cartoonist.

Worm blocks our hero (me).

Thanks, bruthaman.

Oh shit, there's actually someone on this subreddit I might know IRL. (I'm in San Diego and I have some friends that work in the animation industry in L.A.)

Cool story.

Jim stole joke

It's three fucking sentences.

The $60k fugitive strikes again!

Wait, Jim is the Chip Chipperson Cartoon Bandit?

No he doesn't. He would tell you if he did.

He fuckin sucks. No jokes just generalized observations so he doesn’t ever have to take a side.

Jesus like how he wouldn’t tell anyone who he voted for so he couldn’t offend anyone

He fuckin sucks. No jokes just generalized observations so he doesn’t ever have to take a side.

Though it's true he's a worm, he's also the last one standing. I think Jim understands that he'll have a job indefinitely if he doesn't say anything provocative.

It's such a shitty joke. I don't even get it.

“College students suck. Durr hurr”

Imgur commenters are fucking fags

almost as if people form matching opinions to the things they read....

That's what retweets are for, faggot.

It's also not a real opinion, it's a shitty joke.

Honestly don't understand these"street smart" folks, you are a bum because you are retarded not because you choose to not go to college

I saw that tweet last night and it was the first thing from Morton I've laughed at in years. I should've known that fucking worm

I don't get it.

I’m going to call him out too

He stole 60k from his fans. You didnt think he would rob your joke vault too?

What an awful joke to steal.

fucking WORM

it is kind of a hacky and easy joke, since they announced that some politician wants to forgive student loans, and he could've gotten away with it, but the fact that he actually follows that twitter account really looks bad.

Jim Norzia “I’m a weeeiner”

I don't believe it. he'd tell you if he honestly stole it. genuinely

Sticky please, this cleptomaniac gets away with too much.

I didn't steal nothin, jerky!

Joe is a better person than Norton

Clearly just an innocent case of parallel thinking.

The latest Chip animation. Which is just Cokelogic shit

Punching down, classless worm

Taking cues from her friend Big Amy.

Hearing people whine about their student debt is annoying, to be fair.

Nobody forced you to take out a loan, you 23 year old unemployed STEM major dipshit.

I agree about taking out loans you cant pay. but what are you rambling about? Stem majors are the only ones making money. I paid mine back in 6 months with a comp sci bs. It's the 6 years of liberal arts bullshit that's the problem.

Nobody forced you to take out a loan, you 23 year old unemployed STEM major dipshit.

white people don't get CompSci degrees, we just apply for the job and they give it to us

If you can speak English and you can show up on time, you have a future in tech

STEM majors get jobs. The unemployed college graduates in debt are the ones who have degrees in Art History or Shakespearean Literature or some other pointless shit.

unemployed STEM major

You are Joe Cumia levels of retarded