I clicked this link out of boredom and look who fucking talks first

3  2019-07-30 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


It’s insulting to Chris Farley that Jim is doing anything associated with him.

”Most comedians I know have very low self esteem”, yeah because they suck and they’ve wasted their lives trying to become famous

I don’t think Chappelle or Kevin Hart have those sorts of issues

or Patrice or Collin or Burr or Rogan. what I'm trying to say is Jim has no self esteem and thinks every comic is like him just like he thinks every guy sucked a dick when he was a kid

"I told him to hang in there ...but he didn't hang in there"

He wasn’t being honest, dude.


I know little jimmy his using his biggest words in his vocabulary to try to sound smart.

'Meditating on his craft Jimmy' is one of the lowest forms of Jimmy.