Can we get some Buttery Beats on this Sub please?

4  2019-07-30 by J-Bradley1

Hey, I don’t ask for too much here, I’ve got a request for the Sub members here. Sometime, between now & the time I say, “So long for the day”, I want some Buttery Beats to be posted here. And I’m not going to explain any further.

I want some BUTTERY BEATS on /r/OpieandAnthonyxyz/

I want to see what you guys interpret as a ‘Buttery Beat‘.


I got you, brotherman

'Sacred Love'

Sue & Ant's theme song.......

If u wanna luv me u gotta luv my music

"I'm not a racist, that's what's so insane about this...Nigger! NIGGER!!"

Where's this man's Grammy?

The Buttery Beast was the mod of the old sub

I'm sure Joe could oblige

My bad, read that as "Udderly Beats"