Joe Cumia is sucking off children and huffing diapers at Disney right now

49  2019-07-30 by CannoliKing

He also let a pedophile into his house with layla and tried to get a retarded guy to lie for him. What a piece of human feces



He also lets Anthony have Layla alone in the movie theater room.

Where did he touch you?

Wait. So he visits the sub to talk shit about Wreckin' Machine Gene, the world's second greatest Bono while he's at the happiest place on Earth with his ugly family? What a loser.

Isn't he doing the same exact thing at home with his kids?

I'll look into it

He threatened Bobo with rape if he didn't go along with the story.

He’s also bringing home some “leftovers” for Anth to munch on.


You are now picturing a toddler wearing sunglasses and floaties leaning back in the tropical heat, using his motor skills to guide Joe Cumia's mouth through the service he's ever offered in his life.

If anyone knew what he was actually like, they'd viciously heckle him until he had to leave

He's on his phone at Disney reporting posts, including this one. The people he's with are probably glad he's sitting around on his phone instead of hanging out with them and embarrassing them.

Any chance you could publish some of those reports, the way GreenYamo used to?

I think it was ToolMan who used to post them, but he only rounded up the funny ones to post. I liked that bit too. Joe's are always just basic whiny shit like this one. "It's targeted harassment at me." Dumbfuck still can't get through his Oscar Mayer head he's a public figure and sadly a "celebrity", so it's not targeted harassment.


And had a retarded guy simulate a sex act on a sex offender

Very disturbing information but I'd be lying if I said I was surprised.