Reminder: Black Earl got fired in order to save Danny's job

9  2019-07-29 by ScarletNumbered



Then Danny threw it away to bring Linetrap to a shindig.

Nice appreciation for what Black Earl did for you, stupid

It still amazes me how much people here get wrong.

I don't even understand the title of this post. When did that happen exactly? Secondly, I never went to the One Direction show. I was let go after it was found that my plus one was an adult film actress. Nobody ever went to this. Not me, not her. If you're going to attempt to talk shit, at least get it right.

They are mixing up events you were involved in.

The liquid ass was sprayed on Earl by O and A staff. Danny and someone else did or organized the spraying.

That shiftless faggot Earl did one of his fainting fake tricks and was taken from the office strapped to a bed and wheeled into an ambulance.

The boss said WTF, who did this let's fire them if they caused Earl to faint because they need to respond because a fucking ambulance took Earl to the hospital.

If Ron hadn't brow beat Earl into either admitting he faked the faint or quit someone else would have been fired. Danny was in the possible choices to fire.

That shiftless faggot Earl did one of his fainting fake tricks and was taken from the office strapped to a bed and wheeled into an ambulance.

Even more inaccuracies.

What're the real, gritty details then?

I don't recall Earl strapped to a gurney. There aren't any really. Earl is a faking, lying dunce who deserved to be let go. He was terrible at his job, terrible on-air and and was creating a liability for the company bt fake passing out all the time. Fuck Earl.

He's radio gold dude. LET ME FINISH! I'm sure he's a fucking nightmare to work with, but that's how almost everyone attached to show came off. Did they really phone an ambulance for him then? Or was it all fake? You've called people rubes for believing some of this but you're not really offering an alternative...

Oh fuck off, he was absolutely hilarious on air whether it was intentional or not. The Earl and dave era of R&F is the funniest, most listenable radio ever.

Besides spazzing about guitar hero and losing that production battle I don't remember you contributing much.

That's because you have no idea what a Senior Producer is or does.

you have no idea what a Senior Producer is or does

You're totally correct. Fortunately for me it's completely irrelevant knowledge when it comes to understanding that he was incredibly entertaining on air. I know you haven't worked in radio for a decade plus, but I'm surprised you forgot that!

2012 was a decade ago? At least you admit you dont know shit.

Oh gosh, my mistake! So it was only 7 years ago that you were fired and never able to work in your profession again.

The rest of my point is obviously unaffected by that error that is only meaningful to you.

Yeah, never again. I should've hustled harder and maybe I could co-host a local NJ morning show for $44 a show.

I'm not really talking shit I'm just a drunk fatty liver going with the flow

I like how you're focusing intently on one meaningless detail to critique, when the rest of the comment is entirely accurate. Nice obfuscation, stupid.

Actually none of it is. But I guess you'd know better.

Yes I do. Just listened to the Black Earl fainting goat saga up to his firing and it was completely to prevent you from getting fired.

You did end up getting fired for saying you were going to take someone inappropriate to some gay party and being a cunt about it to the bosses.

You're a rube. Straight up rube.

And you're a Jewb.

On what. Everything I've said has been spot on. What have I been unreliable on? Call me out

When you got fired as Guitar Hero champ you claimed it was due to a technical issue, which everyone knows is a lie.

I could go on but I can see this subject is triggering you badly, and don't want it on my conscience if it sends you to the loony bin again. השם יברך

It's just not.

Get a digital mixer. Run the analog video to a monitor and run the audio to the mixer. See what ya get.

Your opinion makes me am unreliable narrator? I don't think it works that way.

Your opinion makes me am unreliable narrator?

Oh of course not, what a childishly stupid attempt at manipulating language. But facts definitely give me the opinion that you're a dishonest person when it comes to describing your own failures. Satisfied now, Danny?

You're linking me to a ron and fez show? Do you remember when Vince McMahons limo exploded? I'm so glad he's OK.


Haha you're as bad as Joe when it comes to desperately trying to change the subject when you're unable to deal with irrefutable evidence. It's a really obvious and embarrassing flaw, you should stop doing it.

I honestly think you have mental health issues. The shit you obsess over is unhealthy.

Well I've never had to be institutionalized and had my dad cry over it on social media, but anything's possible.

Easy there with the mental health accusations Daniel Ben Dovid

Oh yeah right, all that evidence too. The facebook post from my brain damaged father. Good sluthing!

Oi! What a way for a son, a firstborn son no less to speak of his loving father! Dovid you were always such a good little boychick before you took up with a bad crowd, with their curse words and rock n' roll music games!

Why the fuck are you continuing to respond to a person who is very clearly fucking with you?

Who cares.



Black Girl

Earl is working for Sirius again and Danny can't seem to hold a job for too long because he's got a shitty, combative personality. He's also a fag, a fucking douchebag, has a ponytail and looks like a shemale.

Didn’t he leak Red Dead 2 way before it was announced? What a desperate attention whore faggot

Yeah they canned him for it and he's super bitter about it. If anyone mentions it to him he goes off about what an asshole Lazlow is and tries to make it sound like Rockstar is a failing company or something.

When the next GTA drops everyone and their mom will buy it. Danny illegally sells overpriced emulators.

Imagine fucking up a job a Rockstar. Why would you even risk that

Lazlow seems like the least likely to be an asshole out of this circus. He prob got Danny the job

Dr. Steve

What's the story here?

None. OP must be confused, stupid or both.

Didn't Earl just kinda up and quit? What would that even have to do with your job?

A staff member from O&a sprayed febreze and earl faked a fainting episode. Sirius or xm wasn’t happy someone got Injured so I think earl had to admit he was faking for attention and then quit in shame.

Liquid ass


This one really went off the rails.