Joe... here’s why I absolutely hate you: you were a motor pool dwelling POG radio operator with zero deployments. You weren’t infantry, artillery or armor. Stop begging civilians that don’t know better for appreciation for your “service “

3  2019-07-28 by xterraroc



He’d have to be deployed to be a fobbit. He’s less than that.

What is a mun and how does a person wear it?

I've built fucking houses, Joe.

Let's just give him the benefit of the doubt for a second and say that he voluntarily signed up for military service and did actually complete it. It's STILL unbelievably pathetic that he still brags about it decades later, especially considering he never saw any action.

Also imagine being 60 and using terms like 'soyboys' 'IDGAF' 'STFU' as well as regularly using emojis. This man has the brain of a 12 year old.

Exactly... the generations that he tries to humiliate (Gen X- millennials) are the first and only generation to fight a war without and draft but yeah Joe we’re the problem. Typical baby boomer that peaked as a teenager.

Military training is mandatory in large parts of the world, Joe. It's not something you brag about 40 years later if you didn't do any actual fighting

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Joe thinks Call of Duty is real life