How Joe Cumia sees himself

228  2019-07-28 by ChanceArm


Somebody call the Louvre, we have a new piece for the collection!


Vurrry good

Sensible shoes. From the court room, right on to the stage.

As always, a masterpiece, Mr. Arm

Blue Oyster who?

Huh. I never noticed how much of a complete faggot he is.

Where have you been?

Those shoes look really comfortable

What a fat asshole

Actually he only has one ear pierced because he’s NOT GAY and it’s 1995.

You can count on that piercing being from the early 80s.

What is it about Cumia hate that attracts the best artists this generation has to offer?

if Joe claims against this, is he admitting that this is his exact likeness?

Fantastic work as usual.

The shoes and the guitar pushing up his mantit.

👦🏿 Ribs

You forgot the stink lines, but otherwise, genius.

This is phenomenal. This place is too talented for the shit we do.


This is cute

When you get subpoenaed, this can be the lead exhibit.

He thinks he is some kind of "showman". Everyone else just thinks he is a clown. That BOC vid really proved what we all thought.

phenomenal work

Chinky-Dink 2000 lol

Right down to his shitty Air Monarchs, this is like a Van Gough masterpiece sir.

How did I miss this?

Excellent work.