Do you guys remember when Brother Joe did the “make you look young” filter on Facebook and then bragged about it?

8  2019-07-28 by suirogerg

That picture is fucking hilarious and embarrassing. Would love to see some photoshops of that.


I’m unaware of this. Elaborate...

It's weird seeing what Carol would have looked like in life.

That was Carroll right before the close the sarcophagus.

Brotha Joe

Los ojos de vaca. That one really enhanced his bovinity.

Hate to admit it but Carol really must have been a looker 70 years ago

For sure, and she squirts.

Now sadly, only dust.

You forgot a 1 and 0 in front of that.

The funniest part of that was that he chose to use a picture he'd already applied tons of filters to in order to look younger. Vain old faggot.

The one that made him look like a hispanic rent boy? Vaguely, we're up to our elbows in funny Joe shit right now