Joe should sue Anthony

43  2019-07-27 by Wolosocu

If the bovine really believes he is half as responsible for O&A as Anthony, then why shouldn't be entitled to half of Anthony's (dwindling) fortune? $60k/year is nothing compared to half the money Anthony was making.

With all the legal experience Joe has now writing up cease & desist orders, surely no lawyer would be able to go up against his high-school dropout intellect.

Put the papers together, Joe! You deserve half of Ant's money!


He obviously doesn’t need lawyers to get Ants money, he’s been doing it for 40 years straight

He prefers AntH!

They Call Her Missus Nana!

Pretty sure Anthony got 'Sue'd' already without Joe's help.

Sue Lightning.......that is all

Personally, I think Ant should sue Joe for half of his (eye-wateringly-high) alimony payments back - after all, she was Joe's ex first.

Don’t think brother Joe has to go up against Anthony. He’s scared of him. Ironic, isn’t it? Being scared of your little brother.

The more I think about it, the more I think Joe got a raw deal. Just a raw deal.

He's scared that Keith will beat his ass. They both know that's Keith's money.

60k? Thought it was 40k

Did he get a raise?

On a related note, I bet there's some kind of weird alimony Joe could claim once Anth quits shelling out the gibsmedats.