No, I was listening, really, you said we must reclaim rightful German soil or something? WE HEARD YOU

29  2019-07-27 by dazzlefloss


Can't find him and that's awesome. Thank you

Three or Four people from the right and five or six from the bottom. I’m pretty smashed so hope that makes sense.

Is jim in the top left?

I hope pictures like this one and the Eyes Wide Shut one somehow get used by someone in media without them realising.

The historical images would be particularly good, some dipshit conspiracy theorist would find worm looking at his phone and make a 10 minute youtube video ranting about time travelers, because no one knows who jim norton is.

This is a good one

I like this. It's like "Where's Waldo?" But with a single degenerate.

Where's the worm?

There’s like 10 guys who look like Jim Norton. It’s like when put those almost Waldo’s in there and you think you got it, but you don’t and you’re like “fuck!”

Love these, keep em coming.