BOC Video is down everywhere now.

79  2019-07-26 by BroadwayDannyRoss

u/DOXXER100 is a fat piece of shit who looks the other way at child molestation and grooming.


Very disrespectful

Pathetic if true

This one isn’t!

Thank you for your service

I hadn't seen that one. What a complete lack of stage presence our Joseph has!

(Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Joe - I'm not sure how I missed it the first time).

Haha I haven’t seen this yet. Wow, Moocow Joe has NO stage presence at all! He sucks! Hahahah thank you...laughing at this made my day.



Mind if I save this?

"Your done, he's it."

Sure doesn't bother that dumb fat Faggot

If I may disagree: it seems to bother him quite a bit.

Hmm you could be right. He so expertly disguises his motives

You take one down Joe, and four more pop up.

When will you learn?

He doesn’t look away he participates in it

If Joe had had a real job, almost none of this would happen.

60 years of doing one thing and one thing only, something most people stop doing when they're 19 or 20 at the latest. Has a kid and needs charity to ensure she doesn't starve, while he continues to be swindled by Asian instrument manufacturers. Calls his critics "jealous of him".

This lump clearly can't even wrap his brain around the concept of contempt. That or he won't let himself.

We broke FH Riley’s balls for what? 2 weeks?

It’s hilarious that he can post seventeen paragraphs explaining that the guys in BOC really love him, but....he still needs to make the video that he was once very proud of go away.


Why is he removing them? Wasn't he goofing around with the band and totally getting along?

Yeah, looks like they had a great time in the other videos.

This seems like a psyop. This wasn't an embarrassing situation, Joe wasn't humiliated. Anyone pretending like it is is a retard. This is a win for BroJoe on all fronts.

Huh? Why would Joe want to take down a video where his idols are praising him? :^ )

its amazing how dead this sub is

It's sad. I rallied hard for the second one. I'm spent. The forum was dumb also. We did it folks, we broke the fun botton.