Any of you who weigh more than 250 pounds, drive a truck or work in a warehouse for a living, or have a fat wife kill your self. You aren’t helping the cause by commenting because you are an even bigger loser and faggot than all of them except joe cumia

0  2019-07-26 by mlamb07


This guy seems like a real problem

He just fucking BROODS sometimes, y'know?

The fat wife thing is always inexcusable. I always lose so much respect for a guy when I find out his wife is overweight.

Any of you who assume all radio fans are disgusting fat bodies or have a fat body wife can suck my dick. I'm 6'1 and I'm not 250 and I don't have a fat wife. I'm not even a member of the 82nd airborne and still not a fat body.

Is she a squirter?

Of course. Only the best cowhide squirter on the east coast. I would marry her but she would stop getting her ex's spousal support checks. Once I was gonna take Milla jolivich on a date but our schedules clashed. She was impressed by my height of 6'1 and said all men in Hollywood are short fucks who live on child spit.