I bullied and harassed Steve Carlesi to the point of him committing suicide.

83  2019-07-26 by suirogerg


It’s like the HGH all went into his skull. His body is devoid of any muscle and his bones look like twigs

Plus he’s ugly.

I hate to interrupt this circle jerk. Can I cut in?

Stupid, too.

His beard looks like a face-wig.

It looks like he put it on wonky

That damn humidity is messing with the glue.

I can't believe he bullied Fez Whatley until he became gay, had a mental breakdown and moved away.

it's really enraging me that this guy is getting this much credit.

it's at the point that I'm gonna mail physical DVDs of the porsalin interviews to all his neighbors

Carlesi was the last competent producer the show had. I still don't understand why they let him go.

Every time I see a picture of Sam with his awful facial hair/Garfunkel hair I imagine Arnold seeing the Predator’s bare face for the first time. He is one ugly mother fucker on the inside and out.

The worst looking pictures of Sam you can kind on this sub are the unedited ones.

Silly Norton's left an S off that caption.

A hits? That's just poor grammar.

i can never forgive him for attempting to murder bart simpson

Thee Bart, thee

He has one of the worst beards of all time. It looks like it has poop smeared in it.

He really doesn't have an option. With or without hair he is just odd looking. The real criminals are those companies putting him on camera.

looks like

What an odd-looking person.

He would look more human if he got rid of the awful hair. A hideous human but still.

He even has a protruding muzzle like apes and some niggers

Nice Jack White tattoo, you fucking faggot

Looks like a Bank of America logo without the color.

These queens and their phones. They are never more than a few inches away.

He wouldn't have stopped until Fez Marie Whatley suicided himself. He kept bothering Fez so much that Fez became a homosexual and a mental breakdown. What a Bully. I think his mom glues his old hair from his head on his face.

Yet you fags let Danny off the hook because he posts here sometimes.

Why the fuck does he crush up his water bottles?

I hope this dolphin-cackling cocksucker gets his comeuppance someday. Sadly, his show with the Worm is so bad that it can't be targeted, nor will it be cancelled.

I want to laser off his gay tattoos.

He’s such wormy faggot. I have no idea why his below average wife stays with him.

Nothing says “success” like eating carvel cake off a paper plate.

Norton probably doesn’t even own regular plates since he is 51 and is still too retarded to know how to cook an egg.

There's no way to photoshop this to make him uglier, that's how ugly this troglodyte is.

What the fuck happened to this twink?