"Joe Cumia does not like us".....Joe takes a solid pounding

13  2019-07-26 by Amish_Supremacist


This made me remember something- Joe Cumia writes everything like the label of corn nuts from the 90s

That "Baby It's Cold Outside" parody that he wrote & recorded is fucking bizarre. Where are the jokes?

It was funny Because he was gonna rape her, but she didn't know that. get it?

Joe's humor is too sophisticated for me.

Here comes Honey Moo Moo

I really need to learn how to photshop...I think Honey Moo Moo and Joebo would get along great

I really wish Joe would bring back the podcast.

Pretty hard to cheer for absolute faggots bashing other absolute faggots.

It wasn't even that much of a bashing which is pretty pathetic given the plethora of material they have to work with. This is just some fat Ruiz looking motherfuckers giggling about Joe's life like they're basement dwelling existence is so far superior.

Smelly-looking faggots

The enemy of my enemy is still a faggot