Pot Talk Thursdays! What if we're all demons inside Joe's head, like in Jacob's Ladder?

16  2019-07-26 by billdipshitbellamy

Joe's on a helicopter with his guts spilling out after a potato peeling accident, and his earthly form is experiencing the hell of endless cow memes and critiques of his guitar playing.

Joe, we're probably just figments of your tortured psyche, thanks to your shitty karma.


do you think they gave Joe the Ladder?

I got my hands on a classified report where the army gave "the Ladder" to a bunch of jungle monkeys...it worked. they started peeling potatoes, baking potatoes, boiling potatoes, even frying the potatoes with onions and butter. the brass loved it. then they gave it to joe.

they were sure joe would have the highest peel count in the service. it backfired. Joe started eating the potatoes and got so fat he had to be dishonorably discharged. the Army disavowed him.

You ever think about water sniff