Completely straight and definitely not a homosexual.

21  2019-07-26 by Officer_McGrady


No matter how he dresses or presents himself, the vacant eyes are all you can see. It's like putting lipstick on a pile of shit.

Sweet holy hell. I swear that photo was taken by my friend who pretended to be a magazine photographer. She was amazing with this shit. She got idiots to look stupid for fun. If you find the rest of the photo you’ll probably see a guy braiding another guy’s hair and a guy with his hand down the pants of another band member. They were shock jocking already.

Your friend sounds pretty cool

The way he's rubbing his chest while gazing lustfully into the eyes of the cameraman suggests otherwise

Gazin and grazin

If I didn't know Joe was in a band, I'd assume you just ran this through the Stupid Faggot app.

Bon Suceuse

Nice gutsag, stupid

At his audition for Stryper