This cud chewing lummox bets the life of his daughter to swear something we know isn’t true. Explain the red wall paper and the guitars, Joe.

60  2019-07-26 by ZombieRoeCumia


I'm sure he values his daughter's life as much as he did his mom's.

Joe cares only about himself. I don’t think his pea-sized cow brain is capable of caring about others. Of course not all cows are narcissistic sociopaths. I’m no vet but I’m sure a majority are capable of caring for their young; not this sexually repressed mad-cow.

It's worth about 60k. So more than his mom.

aaah. because ant fucks her and he receives the stipend in return. i get it.

Joe is the type of guy who will say he was crossing his fingers as he was typing that so he outwitted the trolls.

Someone more patient and creative than me, please do a collage of sorts of Joe in front of his stupid red wallpaper. And in the middle put the Kurt Love photo.

Allowing a convicted child rapist around children is not smart, Joe. Not saying I think you did.

I’d tell you if I was lying. 😉🐮

So is layla’s life forfeit or does she belong to us now like her pretend father?

does she belong to us now like her pretend father?

Not yet, but when she turns 18 everybody line up.

Gross. I'm not about to stick my dick into Joe's sloppy-seconds.

Ant would.

The exact same shade of red. A drum set in the corner. You expect me to believe Bob was an idiot savant Jon Bonham, you brain-dead sister-fucking cretin?

Plus it's all low end made in China music equipment so you know it's Joe's.

Reminder again that Joe lies about absolutely everything. Lied on the People's Court about his tweets. Lies about not being bald. Lies about being a father of four. These are very easily proven to be lies. He lies when it benefits him. This time is no different

He doesnt lie about being 6'2 though.

6’1” is enough to send the reditards running for cover. Can I buy you a coffee, pussy!?!?

Ant told a story where Joe stole a bunch of ivory from a job and was able to beat a lie detector.

These Cumias are real lowlifes

Lies about his impending weight loss.

Joe, you’re a fucking disgrace. Did you have your fingers crossed when you jinxed your daughters life to lie to a bunch of people on the internet? Are you that incapable of being honest about anything that reflects badly on you? I hope someday she finds you casually swearing in her life to defend the undeniably clear and obvious fact you once welcomed a convicted pedophile rapist into her home. Hang your stupid head in shame.

Anyone who swears on their kids life about anything, even if it's true, is by default a piece of shit. They're usually the same kind of people who are proud of being unemployed and financially dependent on someone else or would willingly abandon a sick parent at their most vulnerable. Garbage, basically.

Exactly. I can’t imagine swearing in my kids lives for anything no matter what I was trying to convince people of. You reap what you sow, you fucking useless faggot.

Indeed. People who do it are basically saying, "I'm willing to hypothetically barter my child's life in order to prove a point." Which might be ok if you're a Mongolian warlord but otherwise not.

convicted child rapper*

Joe Cumia is as dumb as they come.

Guess Joe really is guilty by association.

Wait.. What happened?

I live in NJ and caught him going into a rub and tug. Couldn’t get a pic in time but he’s cheating on his wife too