Little Jimmy's Little Kitchen

16  2019-07-25 by dazzlefloss


He’s too stupid to use it. The man is afraid of any sort of responsibility and needed a bodyguard at all times (Kenny was really just a parent though).

Nice “what does this room do” pose stupid. Also what the hell is that framed picture on the counter?

Looks like a time magazine with an astronaut on the surface of the moon

he's redone it and it looks worse.

He’ll go his entire life without making himself or a woman a decent meal or even grilling a steak. Most of us had done these things by 20. His life is less fulfilling than my girl Marions by a fucking mile.

You'd think a fag would know how to decorate

Not charming

Jim has the cooking skills of a 5 year old. Sam has the diet of one.