Opie should give a Ted Talk about shockjocking

20  2019-07-25 by ILoveWhores69

Anyone can do these stupid talks about anything to Californian idiots. I will contribute to the expenses. Just a taste for the brotherman to see this happen. Seeing Gregg talk about the history of O&A and shockjockery to a perplexed audience might even surpass the people's court saga.

Things that have to be included in the talk:

  • A slowed down freeze frame of Gregg's cakestomp while he points and shouts "there's the bit"
  • Several off-tangent long rants about Howie
  • A slide-show of the O&A sub's best bits including feed nana and trying to explain it all
  • Ends on a positive note about fishing and ignoring the haters

TedTalks are a cult

I agree absolutely 100%.

They also defend pedophilia like most cults tend to end up doing.

What are we then?

No, Sir. That honor goes to Fez Whatley, Shock Jock

How many of those "I am pretty and it ruined my life videos" are they going to make

Buddy of mine did a TedX talk, which is where you speak if no one cares about you. They coach you and make sure you hit certain points of your talk at exact moments, play to certain emotions at exact moments because the audience is used to a fawkin format.

my ex did a TedTalk on surviving breast cancer

Is that why dumped her - no beefers?

it was 8 years later, she got cancer 3 months after she got married and was getting ready to have kids, pretty brutal

Ouch - that is brutal.

Fawkin broodal sniff

i'd pay to see it