Look at that short little fairy

5  2019-07-25 by feedfatrick


Least Vos has abandoned his gang member from Falling Down look and embraced a more honest Florida Retiree thing.

He's an old Jew so he probably just saw that shirt and it all clicked

8 faggots, 2 holes, and Dan Soder.

Ms. Pat is a funny negro.

I swear to god I thought that one picture of her posted earlier was a bob kelly photoshop

I'm truly surprised that the substantial mass at the center of this photo didn't create a black hole

But there is a black hole the middle.

Which one?

I see Jay is still dressing like a 13 year old

What’s Oprah doing with them?

Leftovers from a retard bus that will never see their parents again.

Jimmy is getting fa la la

"Why The Fuck Is Vos Wearing Purple !? Kelly Ain't!!!"

God fucking bless ya, Dice.

All the vos midget jokes and he’s a good 2 inches taller than the little fag.

How come there's two Bobbys in the middle and why does one of them have hair?

Jay put on his finest gym shorts for the evening. Fuckin disgrace.

Wow, everybody's dressed so nicely for the occasion.