82nd Airborne Bovine Division Patch

80  2019-07-25 by phantomsplooger


That is Joe being dropped behind enemy lines during the Tet Offensive.

A lot of people don't know that Joe was their secret weapon; he'd move in, eat all their food, hypnotize them with his Digitechâ„¢ Looper and then win their hearts and minds through thoughtful, persuasive political discussion.

He was awarded 3 Purple Helmets for his service...all at the same time, every weekend in a filthy bathroom stall at the Big Apple Ranch.

Don't you mean hypnotizing the masses with his razor skills at shredding?

It was the Teet Offensive. He had the Udders.

Well played sir. Well played.

u/doxxer100 what are your thoughts about all this?

Don't worry about breaking your word when you said you were done with this place. You already went back on that of course. Retard fuck.

Only 17 times, though. In the Cumia world, that's middling.

I am going to make a shirt with this

Why didnt they have a big retard head with its mouth open ready to suck cock?!

Operation dumb-Joe-drop

from potato peeler to being the main course himself

its the type of shit that would be under a locked glass counter... in a goodwill

clicked on the wrong post