Is there any redeeming character qualities about Joe?

11  2019-07-25 by Spaceballsin3d


His stupidity is quite amusing

He reads to sick kids and does different voices for each character but that's only so he can collect their spit when the nurses aren't looking

He is shit, so therefore biodegradable

Joe looks like a million bucks... green and wrinkly!

He's a valuable lesson in how not to behave.

He’s 6’1!!

He’s allowed to enter into contracts.

He's been called a pedophile and has never denied being one.

Oh wait, I fucked up...

He's worthless, so he causes no real harm

If you slow roasted him, he could feed a family of four for a month.

He is steadfast at being completely retarded.

Joe stinks, there I said it and I'm not taking it back.
