Do I still gamble?

14  2019-07-24 by HollandJimmy


Sassy nana in her circa 2002 Tony Soprano neutral tone floral print.

100%. What an awful outfit.

Not pictured: Pissy eyes spitting on the floor because he can't play poker worth a shit.

Oh my gaaaawwwwad, you can't hit on a 16, you fucker. I'm bannnniiinng you. Bannnned!

The World Series of Obscurity

Nigga looks like a Mossad spy gathering intel

I don't understand how he looks so different over the years. Its almost like he doesn't want to be identified for crimes he committed.

He got discount surgery from a Bolivian prison doctor

He looks like an older, goy version of Danny here...awful

After his first taste of cock, Anthony could not resist the temptation....