How hard is it for other, real addicts who have done and seen horrors we can’t imagine, to not roll their eyes in AA meetings when Jim has to talk about that one time he drank some wine coolers when he was a teenager and got a little ornery with his folks

16  2019-07-24 by AaltonEverallys


Like everyone else who meets him, they immediately realize he is a wormy faggot

Last one I went to, everyone got in a huge alcoholic scream-fight about whether or not a guy should be able to spend his time detailing his grandpa's war experiences. Turns out it was against the rules and the MC almost beat the guy up.

None of them seemed to be sober for very long.

I drank 2 coffees and left to get drunk.

Hey scumbag, it’s called Alcoholics ANONYMOUS, you’re not supposed to talk about it. Really motherfucking the program here.

That sounds fun. Maybe I need a meeting.

At the Lange was talking about genuine struggles with heroin addiction and fag Jim brings up the fact that he needed to call his sponsor because he saw a pot brownie. He stinks.

I can stop anytime I want pal.

That's the spirit!

(Lump on your vital organ: metastasizes)

I've only been to like 5 AA meetings and already, I've seen and done everything Jim has ever mentioned.

He acts like he works the steps but he's still on Step 2.

BOO BOO this man BOO.

He's suck a dick, he thinks if he was to drink now he'd be the same whiney little fuck he was when he had that 4 pack all them years ago.