Pictured: Joe Cumia ignoring lead singer, fucking up song, apologizing, then going right back to hamming

91  2019-07-23 by of_lower_stock


Joe is a black David Brent.

"Kurt Love on the freeload freeway..."

He's gay

"There's been a rape up there!"
- Joe Cumia in reference to Anthony's house

He wants you to turn down your guitar, you retard. He's not trying to start a conversation!

He just cannot accept that other people exist, even the lead singer of a band who's hosting his 500lb ass on stage. The musical equivalent of the Joseph lane.

Dumb ass hole

"I'm sorry"

So you should be, shit for brains. Shoulda stayed in your lane you oafish slob instead of trying to make it about yourself in front of a crowd who has no idea who the fuck you are.

That would be every crowd.

Hey, hey Dumbzilla!

The fact that at the moment of realizing the lead singer is talking to me live on stage, i decide to bob and juke, just like I do on cocks at the ranch

The way the faggot leans into it after being reprimanded kills me. Asshole, you're not going to win the crowd over with your sick moves. None of them know who you are except for the Redditard cameraman

As an individual with their masters degree in lip reading, and a minor in liberal sign language arts, I can state with great certainty that in my professional opinion the lead singer is yelling, "Turn that motherfucker down you bovine faggot!", to which Joe replies, "Sounds good to me man!".

Music is the universal language. But soon, it'll be Chinese. All praise be unto Norm.