Is that Bobo or just a regular LoS fan with down syndrome.

28  2019-07-22 by RapistWithHIV


Looks like an entire row of autistic radio fanboys.

Compound Media subscribers.

Not anymore. Keith blew that.

A real Who's Who of mall food court employees

that's definitely Bobo.

The one in the middle looks like that one tall goth kid on South Park

Anyone know how old this is? Bobos hair is a lot shittier than that these days. Looks just different enough to maybe not be him

Not that long ago, that's from the last LoS at the Creek & Cave.

It's him. I saw that podcast and he's right there looking suave the whole time.

Does that retard go to everyone’s podcast?

Gotta support the team.

Yeah and never laughs.

Guess the silver lining to him being at all these things is that his mom is rid of that mistake for a while.

There are LoS fans without Down syndrome?


Hard to say, is there really that much of a difference?

Bobo looks like the least retarded man in the audience.


The only place where the Proud Boy is the least retarded loser in the room.

Bobo still confuses me. Why were people like him and lady di fans? They seemed to never understand anything that was going on and couldn’t follow the humor so...what the fuck? If they can’t get it in person how were they getting it over a radio? They were just dense as shit if they were ever asked about anything on the show or when they were in studio.

Bobo spending so much time with comics over the years has improved his sense of humor. He laughs all the time on the Chip Podacast. And he's got like 4 different laughs and they're all bizarre.

Anyone who laughs at chip does not have an improved sense of humor.

Yeah but bobo is a literal retard.

You coulda stopped at regular legion of skanks fan.

I bet his fists are still clenched.

No, it's Bobes. He gets around. LOS never acknowledge him.