
17  2019-07-22 by Jim-sucks-shit


I wish I kept count of how many times he said the words "I'm not Jewish". He said it all the time up until he went to the funny farm over his various podcast and video game failings and his Jewish father told us to say Jewish prayers for his sweet baby boy Daniel Ben Dovid. There is no name more Jewish than Dovid.

Plus just look at him. The instant downvoted tells me sweet little dovid is in here right now.

He wanted me to let y'all know he's not Jewish. Because I said how the fuck u gon tell me some ancient desert dwelling people is from fucking Poland and pale as shit. He was like ok cool I'm not Jewish then??? I'm like that still dont mean you as good as regular white people. He said u think white people is superior??? I seen ants dick and it wasn't all that. Swear to g-d

He tried giving me shit for listening on YouTube rather than listening live when the show was still on. Sorry that I was like 15 when the show was in its prime. Like my parents were gonna pay for fuckin sirius.

“Schlomo” is a close second, though.

Anything-berg or anything-stein are both more jewish. Not defending him or claiming he's not, just that dovid is probably really low on a list of jewy names haha

His face is extra high on the list of jewey faces though.

Leave my Danny alone damnit. Danny is the best even if he used to be friends with Antwon Kumia and even though he might be Jewish. Shoutout to Danny for all the suspect Antwon Kumia stories.

He’s pretty cool when he isn’t being mentally ill

Nah he's still pretty gay.

Danny is a bitter ex-girlfriend that was totally cool with all of Ant's pedophilia. He's the chick that loved the dick but then says the dude had a tiny one when they're broken up.

True dat bro

He took advantage of a situation of a decent job and a upper middle class wealth level boss and when shit got weird he bounced. Ant was the bitter ex instantly going from homo crush to shit talk

He didn't bounce when shit got weird. He stayed while him and ant were friends. He only talked shit after the fact.
