Regular people observing Jim Norton.

74  2019-07-21 by RapistWithHIV


was this before Anthony got fired?


but he's there.

ME: .... OH, ahahahha fawking good one, i got it

fawk yeah!

He means the nigger

Would Jim even notice if his butt buddy was there or not

Statham and all the other celebrities at his level must hate this shit so much. You make a good living off of B movies, but then you have to do the b list publicity tour. Pretending to have chemistry with Jim and all the other retards he has to meet with while pushing his movie, must be harder than pretending to fight a giant cgi shark.

Your publicist gives them a list of questions that Worm half glances at and tries to make sense of. Seems like a version of hell.

In this interview the Worm barely speaks but randomly pipes in asking if someone is dead. Dude's a fucking creep.

Arms flailing wildly, no doubt.