I'm still hilarious.

147  2019-07-21 by RapistWithHIV


Oh Nana.

He should get him on the show.

Just have Nana talk to the empty chair like Eastwood did with Imaginary Obama

Exactly the kind act current Ant would appreciate and think was clever.

if that mohawk guy doesnt show up would anyone notice

So, just another episode of the Artie & Anthony Show?

To be fair, it’s entirely possible he was so pilled up he really did think Corrado was someone else.

Ol‘ Swiss cheese brain


Really pounded this guy out

Mentally deranged old faggot.

Can't wait until this wop faggot dies from dementia if the drinking doesn't do it first.

Ant subconsciously telling the world that he loves pounding guys.

Ant subconsciously telling the world that he loves pounding getting pounded by guys.


Ant has done a lot of pathetic, insecure things. In fact, you might say those are his defining personality traits.

But THIS. This is truly the worst.

His twitter addiction is truly confounding. He fucking sucks on there and the platform has caused him so much trouble and basically ruined his life. He lost his job because of it, he constantly exposes himself as an unfunny racist boomer that has alienated all his fans. Then this sub, being the sweet and gentleman like people that we are kindly intervene and get him off of there and instead of saying thank you and staying off he pathetically and publicly cries, begs, and slithers his way back. It’s truly humiliating and pathetic

im late to the party in hearing O and A, but is this really true that he alienated his fans with his boomer unfunny racist rants? every once i ll hear a clip and Ant will somehow find a way to crowbar a racist comment, totally unrelated to the topic. its like geez dude, where did that come from and why did you feel the need to say that. becoming aware of what he's all about, im sure there are a few who share his views but is it really a majority who dont? granted i dont find his politics aligned with mine, i do think he thought those that did would follow him. or he would be a fox news fringe personality.

He definitely changed drastically after Obama became president. There was a clear and present shift in the way he would talk about politics. That election broke him and totally set him on this path that he’s embarrassingly still on today.(I could be wrong but isn’t 08/09 right around the time twitter became popular as well?) The show was always “be funny first” and at a certain point Anthony lost that But he always had funny comedians and even Opie to hell reel him back in or at least switch the topic or make it sound less serious. Once he went off on his own he became an embarrassment and shell of his former self

He genuinely thinks the world needs to hear his political points, it’s so bizarre. Except all he does is literally regurgitate some some surface level understanding of what he saw on tv or read on the internet recently. His obsession might be understandable if he ever once had a unique insight or a nuanced position at his disposal, but you can guess his take before he even opens his tranny sucking mouth. His whole universe is defined as anti-lib. He doesn’t even have a cogent intrinsic philosophy he adheres to, his only real belief is to take the opposite side of libs. His need to ape this stuff he semi coherently gleaned from others has cost him millions of dollars and any chance at being a member of respected society 150 characters at a time and he doubles down every time on it like Fox is gonna have him sit in with Tucker any day now if he just tweets out some more fbi stats. He genuinely believes his z list podcast “network” is some right wing thought leading incubator.

The funniest shit ever is when he apes the whole “traditional family values” stuff. He’s a fucking degenerate white trash scum bag through and through.

Yup. I remember he used to say he loved abortions on the radio then he posted a year or two ago some pro life bullshit on Twitter when he thought he still could get on fox. And he agreed he and his brother are two legitimate low life scum bags that represent everything they supposedly oppose as they cosplay as family values focused pillars of society. Both with multiple driving infractions, dv arrests, shared drug experiences with mom, love of CP, etc

Twixx bar !

It's such a weird comment cause if this was just some random fan of Ant's why would he have all this insider knowledge? As far as I know it wasn't brought up on the show or anything.

But everyone knows about the employment history and reference checks for former O&A producers

That gay avatar, complimenting himself on his fake identity...it's embarrassing, even by online standards.

Every time I see that avatar I want to break cokelogic’s fingers so that fat fuck can’t draw anymore.

Ant sure does enjoy men pounding on other men.

Those dumb, free Rockstar t-shirts are half of Anthony's wardrobe and that company wants nothing to do with him anymore. Just like Fox News Channel, Sirius, and any advertiser other than Deep Discount and dick cream. He's persona non grata everywhere and is calling Danny out for burning bridges? No self-awareness having retard.

Don’t forget fucking infowars thinks he’s toxic.