Norton friend zoned himself on Christmas instead of spending time with his family.

10  2019-07-21 by RapistWithHIV


This fuckers parents let him live with them until he was 30 and this is how he repays them.

I wouldn’t want to see my parents either if they knew I was such a weird, disgusting, lonely, homosexual

Color me surprised

Imagine the ass-ache involved in feeding him over Christmas.

"Mom is this mustard on my egg white omelette locally sourced? FUCKING SCUMBAG, DON'T YOU KNOW I'M IN RECOVERY! I GOTTA CALL MY SPONSOR!"

opens Grindr

I am amazed he still has both of his parents. He is old as fuck and as a guy who was an orphan since my early twenties I can’t imagine having parents well into my 50s.

What an ungrateful pathetic lonely worm.

Spending time with my favourite person...

Someone you like more than your own family, but not one you're willing to date again.

His mother really... um... selffucked him.. i guess, by politely asking him not to raw dog trannys in their home.

Bitch had it coming

When will you bring that nice man over for dinner again Jimmy baby boy