No, I’m listening Patrice. You’re a genius.

97  2019-07-21 by dhort13


And Opie got shit for interrupting bits? When Norton was willing to lay back and watch them wither and die?

He's in the photo twice you dummy

Jimmy is fucking awful.

It’s bad enough that one image of him can be mined for jokes for this long.

But you can literally find most photos of him, in studio just looking at his phone whilst greatness in the room with him. Such a mollusc.

Anthony is hiding whatever is on his phone on the other side of Patrice.

And this worm cried in his interview for the Patrice documentary.

Fresh Apples 🍎 ?

Not for eating; Jimmy just likes something in his ass.

A worm's gotta eat

that's his house

Jim was looking at possible apartments

15 years ago and that asshole was still on his fucking phone

That's before we had smartphones too, Jim is literally just messing around with that " Time around the world " feature.

Is that the first XM studio?

Yes. According to the newspapers laid out, this was June 15, 2007. This was before the major studio renovation.

"Google: how to fleece stupid fans"

He's yelled at Vos 100 times for wearing his head phones that way. Hypocrite worm

They say he was writing his books but when is the last time anyone read his terrible essays? Colin and Norm made masterpieces, Norton's are withering away next to Olivia Munn's book about how hard it is being a nerd girl.

This is just a reminder of what a sweet gig they had until Anthony misbehaved. You could play on your phone and talk to patrice and make millions.