How smart is Jim Norton?

14  2019-07-21 by NortonsGapingAsshole

I’m of the opinion that Jim is not even close to as smart as he thinks he is, I’ve heard this reprobate proclaim to be an intellectual and say he’s to smart to fall for this and he actually smart? or is a dipshit who uses fancy lingo and plagiarized passages from the “books” he reads to put on a facade? Is it his delusional narcissism that makes him think he’s an Einstein?


Do you really think he reads books? I think the closest he might comes to that is turning on an audiobook while he browses tranny hooker ads.

Not at all, that’s why I quoted the books part lmao,

So smart that he'll roast you for a simple grammatical error, but couldn't figure out where 6 comes from when figuring out the surface area of a cube.

You think Worm comes here and checks from time to time?

Only every few minutes

He’s a dunce.

A guy who spends hours “edging” overnight to trannies has time to ‘read up.’ Nah, I don’t think so.

I don't know why edging is in quotes. It's a real thing. He didn't make it up

didn't he have to get a GED?

I’ve learned from experience that’s a touchy subject for a lot of people here

Jim is fucking retarded. There were so many times on the show where basic things confused him. Anthony would try explaining and dumb him would ask a million questions about it. Stupid vos and fat bob at least know they're retarded. The worm thinks he's smart which puts him damn near Joe levels of stupidity.

Too retarded for high school which everyone with normal intelligence could do

He's not very smart, but that's not what makes him awful.

What makes him awful is how completely ignorant he is. He spent every waking hour of his 20's and 30's and 40's watching porn and messing with prostitutes. He never reads, he doesn't really watch new movies or TV, he didn't finish highschool or go to college. He has no hobbies. He's got no skills or knowledge because he spends all day edging to porn.

It's a wasted life, really. He's had a lot of opportunities given to him.

He will die a lonely gay man.

As soon as he drops dead, all of his precious pictures with celebs will end up in the garbage.

What a waste of a life.

Only retards call themselves intellectuals.

Well, Vos says he's 144 IQ, so divide that in half and go way down from there.