No no I'm listening... you're right, it does sound like a very difficult situation.

167  2019-07-20 by redditsipowillsuck


They really do seem appropriately disgusted with him

There’s a fuckin worm in here, T.

Hes a faaaaaaaaaag.

The above comment likely contains a rick roll!

Beep boop: downvote to delete

No, it doesn’t

“Ya, it’s a tough one, Skip. ”

"Ay Tone, what's this mick doin' here? He's being very disrespectful. I say we clip 'em."

God I hate when that faggot did that, even in the old shows Opie would constantly get jimmy back on board cuz he was either reading the paper or texting when they were doing a show

Has he threatened the Family again? I hadn't seen it. Yeah, man. Phil Leotardo really motherfucked us, but it's a TOUGH ONE, man.

They just found out Jim was going to the gay bars with Vito

Jimmy Norton is an ASS muncher!



I love you Johnnycakes