Notorious pedophile, Anthony Cumia, upon realizing he's likely to beat the charges.

59  2019-07-20 by Officer_McGrady


Black people always give the Cumia brothers a funny look in courtrooms.

I wish they'd give him a funny brain bleed

I wish they'd give him a funny brain bleed


Chris Darden couldn't bear to look at such degenerate garbage

If the egg doesn’t fit, you must acquit

Or take a shit

don’t try to correct my line. It’s people like you that never know that while wild canaries are a yellowish-green colour, domestic canaries have been selectively bred for a wide variety of colours, such as yellow, orange, brown, black, white, and red. (The colour red was introduced to the domesticated canary through hybridisation with the red siskin, a type of South American finch.)


No, Your Honor. You open it up and stick your dick in it.

I seem to remember Norton was in the gallery as well.

Marsha Like A Clark's Eyes

I see OJ and he look scared... cuz there's cops all deep in this.

If she doesn't have a fully developed clit, you must acquit.