Jim Norton giving flying lessons to Mohamed Atta. Circa 2000 (colorized)

60  2019-07-19 by Corey8706


No self respecting Muslim is going to jihad with a gay man by his side.

According to the black box (allegedly) the pilot said the same thing. Norton replied with “Jihad what about H-had or sumthin!?” The next sound we hear seems like the slapping of wet ham followed by the phrase “fuck you buddy!” When they landed Norton had a visibly broken nose.

That's an organic picture that doesn't look Photoshopped at all.

It’s so organic Norton was checking his phone at the time it was snapped to make sure no scuuuumbag could motherfuck him out of the genuine moment.

I’d tell you if I saw it. Honestly.

They didn’t intend on crashing those planes, they were just trained really bad because Jim was too distracted paying camwhores

He does these Photoshops - you'd think it was the real person