Do the right thing Jim

109  2019-07-18 by fokm


Good job, fokm. Keep the bastards honest.

Thank me for my service.


Fuck everyone who donated to that stupid shit. I hope he makes a video where he lights $60k on fire and laughs at everyone.

If he did that I would have a little respect for him. But he’d have to do it in a Chip outfit or it wouldn’t be right.

That would be great

He'd get a lot of material about the "intoxicating" scent of federal prison trannies

How DARE you intoxicate me. Don’t you know I’m in recovery, SSSSCUUUMMMBAG

If he does it in front of Mary Jean and she dives into the pile, then Jim’s back in the fold.

It's about sending a MESSAGE, SCUUUMBAAAAAGS

Holeee shit

“What 60k? Oh my god, this guy thinks I stole from people? How did I steal 60k baby boy? Answer me that sweetie..... (looks at phone)

The guy on the other end of that call was so bad. Couldnt even explain how jim stole. Every caller stinks.

I did loff when he said Norton robbed those truckers blind "like a carnie".

Its only the complete tards who get let through

he did have a good line when Shim said "you think I stole money from truckers?", he said, I don't THINK you stole money from truckers, you stole money from truckers

Something something toe trigger

(starts to lose argument)

“Turn down his mic!”


"Sir, you're panicking"

Jimmy's organizing a boycott of Sal's Famous.

That cartoon was such an abomination.

They be stinging me effing peckaz

What, you don't think you can just have a series of unrelated things happening and call it a cartoon show? That's how the guys at South Park do it, right?

Keep this direct Worm abuse momentum going.

I abuse my worm every night! Wakka wakka!

Send him a picture of a Miller High Life.

Odds are he'll break the screen.

Why would anyone ever donate anything to rich people. It’s beyond me. Even though Jim isn’t rich, he’s well off. He owns a multi million dollar apartment in Manhattan. Why couldn’t fag boy just pony up his own money for his shitty cartoon?

Rubes. That’s why.

I don't fault them as much as most people

You love an artist who creates content that you find enjoyable. You have enjoyed that content for free for years.

If you donate, your money isn't supporting that artist. No, your money is going towards a piece of art. You are supporting a product and the artist you enjoy...

But then you realize your lizard-lot-change-jar has paid for Prep prescriptions and international plane tickets to that's what you get for believing in false prophets ya fucking retards

If the artist truly believed in his content, he would finance it himself.

Lots of A list actors take hardly any upfront money. Most of their money comes from back end deals. They bet on themselves and the good ones typically always win.

Jim is a twitchy worm and a shitty stand up comic.

Like Louie CK said, "you can't go wrong betting on yourself...especially when a bunch of woke retards loving everything you churn out..."

His whole rant on the show was how they should cut spending somewhere else to pay for the 9/11 responders which was the reason Rand objected.

the only comparison is that his cartoon was a national disaster