Jim Norton's childhood.

11  2019-07-17 by LTsearring

He admitted to being molested/raped/whatever by another kid but there must have been many other truamatic and abusive experiences which molded him into the hopeless mess he is today. I'm guessing sexual abuse by an adult, maybe a family member? He talks about his family like they were so normal but most of us grew up with some dysfunction in our family and avoided becoming a grotesque psychopath like little Jimmy. The fake alcoholism, the prostitute fetish (I even doubt that is real sometimes!), The anger and entitlement with women, he doesn't even really seem to have any friends or hobbies. It's so sad (haha). Anybody wanna get some speculation going?


9/11 was Jim Norton's fault

I will admit, he made me laugh for years, and some of the things he has said are rib rattling. That being said
he is a piece of garbage faggot and I hope he and Anthony get Ebola anus rot disease.

He has mentioned that is father is an AA guy, I'm guessing that had something to do with rehab at 18. I think it would be reasonable to also conclude he raped his sister on a regular basis and was not allowed near his nephew when he was growing up

Joey Diaz is from Jersey. Raped young Norton and made him drink wine coolers. Downward spiral ensued til he got his shit together at 15 before it was too late. Still didn't move out of this parent's house for another 15+ years.

If he remembered he would tell you. Honestly.

Overbearing, coddling mother is the source of most of his pathology. Didn't evolve past (age-appropriate) teenage narcissism or move out of parents' home till in his 30s. Textbook case of arrested development. Checks phone

He's an wounded 'baby-boy' scarred by his mother, and subsequently views all woman as potentially dangerous, tyrannical control freaks. His life has always been 'taken care of'; he's never fully been (or felt) in control or gained independence as a teenager/young adult. Narcissism and fear of women leads to desperately trying to maintain in full control of his life and relationships, i.e. paying for prostitutes.

Everything you say sounds right. I wonder if he lost any chance at a fulfilling life when he got famous.

It's a tough one man. Probably not.

He got fucked by the Arcade vendor during his 24hr Asteroids marathon