Anthony "open honest discussion" Cumia would instantly ban anyone on pal talk or instant feedback if they said anything he didn't like.

65  2019-07-17 by SuperTubsPeterson

This is a man who made fun of safe spaces and liberals for being "overly sensitive"


He’s a faggot what do you expect..


“My show sucks”


Or he would yell over callers , turn their volume down or hang up on them

And scream the most juvenile playground insults. Just goes to show that for him funny isn't in the bones. It's just an adaptation he made to being a weak nobody. And as soon as he had a little power over someone he forgot about it.

Laugh your tears away, fucking retard brain.

Nailed those idiot brains!!



He also weasled his way into moderating one of the popular fan boards years ago and would ban his critics and especially anyone who would mention "Lobster Girl".

..or Spaz, or SillyGooseOnCam...

Heart attack Jones had a meltdown when that news was leaked, but had no problem telling the entire city of Boston was dead in a place crash.

Or implying that Bam Margera fucked Opie’s wife. Knowing full well that sloppy seconds is almost a fetish with that Corsican queen

He didn't. Ben made that shit up.

True, but Ant happily spread that false info.

He had fake accounts on every platform spreading shit about opie.


So I have a friend from the area she’s from with no connection to the show, not a listener or anything. When he heard the Post article, he told me she did. No tape or any of that bullshit, but take it for what it’s worth; a guy from the area without an axe to grind told me they did.

And who the fuck wants to marry a virgin anyway? No shame in having a past and she seems like a good wife and mom and didn’t deserve the shit show that became.

Oh, well if your friend says so, then I guess it must be true!

My only proof is that Ben fucking Sparks told me he made it up. So there's that.

The sex tape or the whole story?

The whole thing. He found out she knew them back in the day and decided to start a rumor after he was let go / quit. I know you guys love believing nonsense and lies, so I don't expect to change your mind.

I did say, “Take it for what it’s worth,” and that this is just what I heard from a guy. You’ve been here long enough to know that if we’re really deliberately stirring shit, we repeat it a few times, then declare it to be 100% confirmed.

You forgot to change "place" to "car" in your edit there, yid.

one of the popular fan boards years ago

Wackbag isn't popular anymore?

Also, don't forget that his name there was WiffleBatLube.

He also tried to shut down the original fan site and insisted all known members were banned from the show and any mentions were dumped out of immediately. All for doing the exact same bit which allowed him to get a move to NY. He was always a faggot.

Not to mention, he’d steal lines from all of those platforms and play them off as it was his wit.

Random people have had no effect on his life for decades...

Freeze peach network, baby.

I remember somebody would do a whip em out wednesday where they showed boobs of all the kind of girls ant liked. Then another person made a similar account except they would only do black girls. The chat all thought it was pretty funny but Ant banned them immediately when he saw it and found no humor in it.

except they would only do black girls.


He was only on there to meet and maybe even kiss some hot eleven year olds so he could brag to his friends about taking them to his 50th high school reunion.

Nana is and always has been a faggot.