Better hosts than anthony cumia 1/1000000

46  2019-07-17 by Dachosen17


Space Ghoul

In space, no one can hear Nana say he’s still hilarious.

In space, no one can hear the sounds of four sharpie caps being pulled off.

I was gonna upvote you but then I remembered I hate you

Die you bastard

Having a "thing" with someone on the internet and following them around from place to place is literally the gayest thing possible. Stop it, you're humiliating yourself.

Boy you couldn't be more correct

I'm fucking more embarrassed than tou can imagine.

I'm sorry I said all those things.

To be fair, Space Ghost is a better host than anyone hosting anything nowadays.

To be more fair, fuck Nana Cumia and anyone that likes her.

Heh heh

Crack a window, will ya?

This gas leak is giving me more ideas.

This guy gets it

🎶 Two turntables and my mommy’s home 🎶

Real Name: Tad Ghostal

That is old Kentucky Shark, and he has been there