Hang in there, Uncle Tony

46  2019-07-17 by AaltonEverallys


Those dumbfucks voted a pic of ant with a completely different story to the top like yesterday or some shit. Buncha faggots patting themselves on the back.

It’s echo chamber horse shit. This is why I hate always going on the popular page and seeing a load of shit about Trump. Then you see all the faggots come out of the woodwork like “This is just a reminder guys to register and vote”.

All I can think these faggots need better hobbies. They’ll vote they little sissy decisions and act like they did something. Then the next fuck goes in and it’s the same shit because voting doesn’t make a single bit of difference. It’s always the shallow shit like this or something else that gets attention because retards just wanna keep ptting themselves on the back for how good a person they are.

Like how the fuck are you still standing in line for 9 hours to vote when it's been proven that the voting machines are rigged and your vote is meaningless?

Opie was right we need online voting

“No guys, you know what will get us out of how we voted ourselves into this mess? Voting, that’s how”

It turned out Bush W and John Kerry were not only fellow Bonesmen, but also distant cousins. Then some kid found familial links between most former presidents during Obama. I'm sure it's all on the up and up, though.

I miss when people had the sense to see all politicians as corrupt shitbags instead of this new ”EVIL DRUMPF NAZI” world we’re living in

I pretended to get upset over a sexist joke in one of the big subs, how calling women a piece of ass diminishes their "power" and "beauty". Dude replies that I'm the sexist one for saying women are too weak to handle jokes so I reply with "reddit darling Terry Crews" and ask about the millions of women in the sex trade who are literally pieces of ass stripped of their power and dignity.

And he shut up because he realized he was caught in his own logic circle.

People see downvotes and they keep downvoting, upvotes with upvoting because they feel they belong more if they blindly agree. That's what reddit posts are so incredibly easy to manipulate if you catch them early in /new with a few smurf accounts.

Well, that was nana ant. This is spackle bucket ant. Two totally different reprobates.

Nice bite, stupid

Thanks buddy. It quadrupled my karma overnight. 🥴


AHAHAHA! Babyyyy....wanna go sing some Karaoke?

Sending virtual hugs

careful with this shit, they will say we are brigading this is the same thing mde subreddit started doing then after doing it a few times mods came back to tell us to stop before they nuke the sub then sub nukes