Homosexual porcupine.

36  2019-07-17 by CumpoundMedia


Another bit stolen from me. I dubbed him a hedgehog with this pic weeks ago.

Didn't see it.

Hoo Hoo. I invented trashing Jimmy, Robin.


Okay, I’ll put the same comment then and say he looks like a dandelion. Just because it’s reposted doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Stupid faggot.

“If I was a faggot I would tell you, really I would.”

He then proceeds to chase after manly transwomen with strong jaws and thundercocks.

He's a real fags fag. Not one of those part time faggots, but full on faggotry, 24/7/365 non stop, the show does not end with him not being a faggot.

Those eyebrows are infuriating

I hate how you can see the outline of his stupid lumpy head through his possum fur.


I hate everything about him. Fuck Jim Norton.

"I’m a virgin for all intents and purposes. I haven’t spoken to a woman in 30 years."

(Colin Quinn enters a five mile radius)

"Uhhhh umm uh my CHICK. My EX. My GIRL."