Eyes are the window to the soul.

22  2019-07-16 by RapistWithHIV


I'm not seeing it here, Lloyd

Worms don't need eyes because they spend all their time writhing in filth

You comment here more than anthony tweets.

He’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes...like a doll’s eyes.

There is an idea of a Jim Norton, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.

This doesn't capture their twitchiness

If you draw a pentagram on the floor and put copies of these pictures at the points, Satan emerges with a transsexual demon to fuck you to death and drag you to hell.

He looks like that Russian serial killer, the demon in human form who raped, murdered and mutilated schoolchildren.

Sounds like a real jerk.

Something of an unpleasant guy.

Thousands of generations of mammals, monkeys, indo-Europeans, irish bog-dwellers desperately struggling to survive and the culmination is...a comedian who isn’t funny, coasting on the success of a radio show that even at its greatest height was a distant second to Howard Stern; a creature who spends most of its time masturbating and resenting the fact that yogurt contains trace amounts of salt (do you know how much sugar is in salt?? I’m sober! Terri Schiavo! AIDS! Jerry Sandusky!")