Just a normal guy having fun, definitely NOT a depressed person with no clue where he is at in life.

46  2019-07-16 by lolercakesmcgee



Look at this nigga eyes, he pure evil


Mark Normand says Norton has a sweet penthouse apartment but everywhere you look you wonder is that where does that weird sexual shit with those weird sexual people.

He'll be Tommy at the end of Goodfellas when he realizes he wasted his life.

He also likes to suck dick since he was a kid, gets fucked in the ass, pays to get shit and pissed on by men, romantically kissed a black man and had raw anal sex with him after, raped a girl that that was passed out drunk, cry baby gets mad at a young intern who wont fuck him, broods, is not funny just a wormy faggot hack who unfollowed his 'pals'. But one things for sure he is not gay, he would tell you if he was.

That's a really wide nose for a white guy.