And maybe kiss you

123  2019-07-16 by Moveinslience


Don't forget the talking about stuff! Age, underwear size, single parent friends... You know, normal talk.

Nana has morphed into Dick Tracy's archrival Pruneface

I've been called sexy


Uncle Paul looks like shit

Looks AND smells

That is absolutely terrifying. It's like the last thing a young girl sees before the rag goes over her mouth


Atleast they didn’t have to sing karaoke in his basement

is that his older brother Joe?

dude fuck off this legitimately ruined my day

I've been calle- COUGH COUGH AAAACCCCKKKK!!!, buhleeeeve me!

That is shockingly good. How did you do that?

These ssscumbags are using FaceApp.

His skin is actually less pockmarked and disgusting in this picture


Wow, that's fucking impressive

Holy shit he looks awful.

Emperor palpatine lookin ass

"I can feel the disappointment of your own father figure within you."

Nice goiter stupid

I forget about this image then when I come back scrolling through and see it again I actually wince. It’s a revolting image.

He got the girl!
same neck

Is this photoshopped?


Look at that kissable face.


Robert Englund wants his mask back.

He looks like the old neighbor from Gremlins

that's legitimately eerie