Since admins don't get the joke and understand the reference, here is Patrice O'Neal responding to Anthony Cumia lusting after children

34  2019-07-16 by ILoveYouJohnnyCakes

Patrice O'Neal responding to Anthony Cumia wanting to fuck a 13 year old:


I'm starting to think this Anthony Cumia isn't the great fellow he purports to be.

Why is that child predator's ban-evading account still live?

A lot of pipsqueaks out there don't get there's a need to be deeply considerate and careful when censoring people of color, but I can't condone racism and sexism on social media even from those without white privilege. That's one hand I won't bite.


What's all this about the admins not getting the reference?

Because dummies like you have attracted their attention and are getting posts deleted.

Is this about him being a rapist or whatever? Takes one to know one, and be repulsed by one.

I'm almost certain it's why nana blurted out a few of the things she did on national radio given that most of the soundbites have Patrice in them: Antwan thought he had found another brotha who understood the pain of living under da white man's age of consent laws.

What you stupid faggots are neglecting to mention is that Patrice WAS ALSO UNDERAGE WHEN THAT HAPPENED.

i'm not here to slander patrice, simply to analyse the complex mental machinations that drive the nana

Fair enough. You can tell when Patrice told the story he knew he fucked up and could see how awful the optics are in hindsight. Now Anthony on the other hand comes from the Clinton school of deny, deny, and deny again.

My nigga

What are the admins saying?



I heard this as well

That is their catch phrase

Listen to how uncomfortable Opie is with his pedo co-host. This was the beginning of the end, brothaman

Honesty from Jim:

"There is such thing as the law...he just gets around it."

I like how it didn't even require a second for him to respond '13'.

He obviously had already spent plenty of time thinking about it.

AntH completely missed that the only person who agreed with him was Uncle Paul

To be fair, I have met 12-year-olds that I would fuck.